
Grant Prospecting Research

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  • 7 days

100% Secure

Job is done or money back
  • You pay only the listed price without any hidden costs.
  • We keep your money until you are happy with the delivered work.
  • The job will be done or your money will be returned.

Job Description

5-10 fully vetted, actionable grants that are aligned with your services, sector, and geography.
Prospects include: Foundation Grants, Corporate Grants, Local/State/Federal Grants.
We work together to ensure alignment and capacity, increasing your pros

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How long will the research process take?

You can expect to have an actionable list of potential funders within 7 days of engagement.

How can I be certain that these are actually potential funders and not just a list from the internet?

We take your organization's key information: location, sector, size, collaborators, past funding and successes, and ensure alignment across all categories so you know you're a top-tier qualifier before even starting the application process.

What if I need Grant Writing services as well?

Project-based packages are also available, leaving you free to do the boots-on-the-ground work while we find and write the grants that fund your Mission & Vision.

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Processing Fees (5%): 37.50 USD